Thunderstorms were in the forecast for Sunday, but it turned out to be a perfectly pleasant morning. We’re in Gas Works Park for the next few weeks.
After spending the last several months training in the woods, this was the first urban run for the group. Starting outside the old exhauster-compressor building, we ran around the old gasification plant along the water, up and down the Great Mound, and then promptly out of the park on the westward Burke-Gilman Trail. We took the trail west along the shore of Lake Union and then northwest along the Fremont Cut of the Lake Washington Ship Canal. We then cut east on N 34th St. through the tents of the Fremont Sunday Market, not yet open for business, then north past the Fremont Rocket and east up the hill to the Fremont Troll. After a few laps up and down the stairs, we headed back down the hill under the Aurora Bridge and then back to Gas Works Park.
The old boiler house and pump house are perfect for our style of goofball judo training. The 100-year-old pumps, piping, storage tanks and compressors are sturdy enough for climbing and pull-ups, and the play area on the old smoke arrestor hood is a great place to work out under the rusty backdrop of the old gas generator and processing towers. Though the storm didn’t affect us today, the shelter of the barn will make Gasworks an attractive option for us as we get into the damp winter months.
Maki and Kozue made brownies and takoyaki-style omelets for us, which were delightful. We wrapped up the session with a brief birthday celebration for Takumi, who turned 17 yesterday.